Script: --on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬Global scrollStartupCount¬global gWindowPositions¬Global gCapeAnimationFrame¬global cs¬global endScroll¬¬---------------------¬-- This is window #1¬---------------------¬¬if objValue="Open" then ¬ -- Restore old window position¬ put OldWindowPosition(1) into windowRect¬ if windowRect = empty then centerWindow wdName¬ else wsSet wdID,"0","Rect",windowRect¬ ¬ put "CreditsText_S" & "croll:" into cs¬ ¬ wsSet wdID,"9","Name", ""¬ if word 1 of wsGet (wdID, "RegName","Text") = empty then¬ wsSet wdID,"RegisteredTo","Text","Demo Version"¬ wsSet wdID,"RegisteredTo","TextAlign", "Center"¬ ¬ else¬ wsSet wdID,"RegisteredTo","Text","Registered to:"¬ wsSet wdID,"RegisteredTo","TextAlign", "Left"¬ end if¬ ¬ put 5 into scrollStartupCount¬ wsSet "About ComicBase","CreditsText","Scroll", "145"¬ put wsGet( "About ComicBase","CreditsText","Text") into creditLines¬ put the number of lines of creditLines * 12 - 30 into endScroll¬ wsSet "About ComicBase","0","IdleDelay", "8"¬ ¬else if objValue="Close" then ¬ -- save the window position¬ put "1" & tab & wdName & tab & wsGet(wdID,"0","Rect") into line 1 of gWindowPositions¬ ¬else if objValue = "Idle" then¬ if scrollStartupCount > 0 then ¬ subtract 1 from scrollStartupCount¬ else if scrollStartupCount = 0 then¬ play "Symphonic"¬ repeat with x = 1 to 4¬ wsSet "About ComicBase","9","Name","Phase In" && X¬ wsSend "About ComicBase","9","DoUpdate"¬ wait 10 ticks¬ end repeat¬ ¬ put -1 into scrollStartupCount¬ wsSet "About ComicBase","9","Name","Cape Animation 0"¬ wsSend "About ComicBase","9","DoUpdate"¬ wait 120 ticks¬ else¬ put wsget(wdID,"creditsText","Scroll") + 2 into temp¬ if temp > endScroll then put 0 into temp¬ add 1 to gCapeAnimationFrame¬ if gCapeAnimationFrame > 8 then put 1 into gCapeAnimationFrame¬ wsset wdID,"0","Properties",cs & temp & return & "i9_Name:Cape Animation" && gCapeAnimationFrame & return¬ end if¬end if¬¬--end windowEvent¬